For some reason we now claim the front row at church.
In our Mormon "Oklahoma Land Grab" at the beginning of each Sunday morning - we seek out the spot on the first row, right side.
It's a funny thing, the seating in church. Some people claim territory like you would expect to see a flag posted with the family crest on it. Then there is the awkward silence when someone new moves into the ward and unknowingly sets up camp on that pew. That's when you see people who normally don't show up early come 15 minutes before the meeting starts to reclaim their territory.
There's also a degree of self-consciousness in being in the front row. Sure, there's lots of space in front of you, plenty of room to lay down and get comfortable for the second speaker after the musical number. But that also means that the entire ward is behind you. Some people claim they can't see what goes on since it is at eye level and everyone's head is in the way.
Some things occur, however, which transcend the heights above the heads of the ward members for all to see.
Take this morning, for instance.
This little stuffed animal above, we'll call him "Nick". He has a twin brother named "Flower". Their owners, we'll call them "Mr. N" and "Ms. A", brought them to church this morning. Normally this is forbidden, but sometimes things seem innocent enough at the beginning.
"Mr. N" went out of the chapel for a brief moment to get rid of his gum. After about 3 or 4 minutes, during the meeting mind you, he returned to the row behind us with "Nick" sitting on his head, unbeknownst to us until "Ms. A" let out a burst of laughter that I am sure was heard in the Cry Room.
One stuffed animal back into the church bag.
Act 2 came shortly thereafter when "Ms. A" hurled "Flower" skyward in a reverse one and a half somersault with three and a half twists, in the Free position. That maneuver also has a 3.5 degree of difficulty. Unfortunately "Flower" was unable to see her score from the bottom of the church bag.
It's a wonder parents don't loose their testimonies more often at the hands of their children.
Can I get a witness?

Saw it. Loved it!!!
Hi Jodi,
The stuffed animal on Nicks head was a great start to our morning, it made us laugh. He balanced it so well all the way up the isle. Love that kid...
This "that's my spot in church is nuts! Lets shift around next week
Love, Joy
P.S. You might get this message twice, sorry
You know what is funny... sometimes we decide to actually be "on time" at church and occasionally have taken up camp on the front row. Next time I will think twice about it and resume our position at the back of the church! (lol)
Oh.. and one more thing, I don't think ANYTHING can beat Derick's snore and slobber during Sacrament Meeting... That gets a few laughs too.
btw... LOVE the new family pic!
You're back, and I love it!
Okay, I'll 'see you' that experience and 'raise you one'. Four-year old Nate, carefully balancing as he walked across the top of the railing on the stand to the pulpit...because he knew his mother was leading music and couldn't get him. (He's lucky he saw 'five')
How about this money-raiser for scout camp next year: donations = first seating choices for the year!
Or...How about, your name on a plaque on your pew!
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