Monday, September 28, 2009

recent discovery

I cry.

I cry when I'm happy,
I cry when I'm sad,
I cry over old photos,
I cry over commercials.

It comes so naturally to me
that I've never thought to fight it.
I've delayed it, mind you,
but I've never completely denied myself
a good cry.

It took me 37+ years
to realize I can mentally will myself
not to cry.

It's so empowering
that it's making me a little teary
just thinking about it.


kara jayne said...

teach me...please teach me.

i'm starting to trouble the primary children.

Becky W. said...

ha ha ha ha. That is so funny... you get a little teary just thinking about being able to stop crying. hee hee hee

What is this awesome version of "Three Little Birds." So cool!

Tiffany said...

I love your poems.