Your child recently participated in a state mandated hearing screening. Your student failed to respond at one or more the frequencies tested at 20 dBhl. You need to take your child for a complete audiological evaluation, as soon as possible.
If you have any questions or concerns, please call me.
K.M., Speech Language Pathologist
That's the cool thing about having a child with autism. This sort of information doesn't phase me. It's like our visit to the dentist two weeks ago when it was discovered that Nick is missing a permanent tooth in the front. "That stinks. Hmm. I wonder what we should have for dinner tonight . . ."
See? Hard to phase me. It's like God asked me if I wanted the bad news or the worst news first. I chose the worst news, Autism. Everything after that is small potatoes.
Now if you'll please excuse me, I've got to go find some wood to knock on -

when he needs an implant for that missing tooth you know who to call. not can stay here too!
This is where I should type some sort of profound statement about trials and the like.
But all I can focus on his how completely cute and handsome the boy sitting in that booth is.
3 words = Future Lady Killer
my thoughts were similar to cute he is. He reminds me of Brandon in that pic. it's like, oh well, what is one more diagnosis to add to the list.
Best news...? We get to do it together.
I think you need to write a book about your experiences with Autism. You put everything so well.
I agree with Emilie and Jeni...
Although he is a Lady Killer Now.
My girls are BOTH in love with him! You should see Kaiya's scrapbook that she made. Nick is featured in many of the pages with side notes such as ... "hot", "cutie pie", "soooo cute!", "BFF", "nice" and "sooo funny!".
Nick has a special place in ALL of our hearts.
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