Note: It is a common belief that 1 human year is equal to 7 dog years. That is not very accurate, since dogs reach adulthood within the first couple of years. The formula used above is from a canine expert and is a bit more accurate. (as accurate as one can judge these things)
The formula is: 10.5 dog years per human year for the first 2 years, then 4 dog years per human year for each year after.
So then why is it
my dog acts like he's a toddler
and my 5 year old acts like she's 21?
We cleaned out our 72 hour Emergency Kits last night for Family Home Evening. Allie had diapers and wipes in hers and Nick had seizure medication that he took when he was 3. We put a razor in Nicks new kit because we figure he'll be using one by the time we get around to updating them again.
You think I'm kidding.
Dear Jodi, Your pooch makes me smile! Thanks for the 72 hour kit reminder, I have been meaning to do the same. I think I have sweats in mine to fit a little boy, Josh turn 30 next month...
Love, Joy
We've seen Nick's moustache so he'll for sure need a razor.
that makes me laugh because our kits are soooo out dated too. maybe I should put bras and other woman things in the girls kits.... uhmmmmm
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