Wednesday, May 26, 2010

So this is Facebook

That's right, I did it. I joined. I feel like I need to go to confession seeing as how many times I've vowed never to sign on to this phenomenon. But alas, the need to be an informed mother eventually won out over my deep-seated aversion.

After turning over some personal information and posting a pictures of my late 30's self this is what I got:

A long lost friend from Idaho went to Target yesterday and a girl from my neighborhood couldn't stop eating cookies.

I'm there and I still don't get it.
I'm a geek,


Anonymous said...

The fact you don't get it is much more of a compliment than you do get it! I too joined FB to monitor my kids. I couldn't stand all the stupid postings and lack of security. So I closed my account. Now I just sign in on my kids account to monitor their use. And guess what, I found out some stranger was contacting my child through a private conversation using interest in the church as an excuse to contact my kid. Yuck! So, I also make sure all the privacy settings are set; something kids really don't want to be bothered with or deem unnecessary. If you want to be informed be a parent not a "FB friend."

Timo said...

I have hid some of the people I'm friends with on FB. The minutiae posts like "I went to Target" did it for me. It's easy to do. They will still be your friend on FB, but you won't get any of their updates and they won't know you have hid them. It saves me time and avoiding the mundanity of life that many choose to post about. And no, I have not hid anyone in our family!

AP said...

I was on facebook for about two months before I closed my account. I gave it my best, but I'm right there with you. I still don't get it.