Thursday, May 27, 2010

Thanks, I think

"I don't understand why men think you're so good looking." (comment made by a co-worker in my college days)

"I love the way you sing. Even though you can't stay on key you just sing right out."
(comment made by a friend in church)

"I see that your husband has much better taste than you do."
(comment made by Brandon's previous employer)

Have you ever received a perplexing "compliment?"


Unused Account said...

"It's amazing how you can have a good self esteem when your sister is SO BEAUTIFUL!!!"
- Said a scrapbooking friend.

If it helps...I think you are amazing and your blog is my HANDS DOWN favorite. I was just gushing about it recently to a friend. You are perfectly poetic, thoughtful and real.

Anonymous said...

Talking to a person I just met:
Me:"I thought about being a pilot, but I doubt they could get a guy my size in the cockpit (self-depricating humor)....
Them: "You'd be surprised...."




by chance was these statements all by men? if so, there is perfect reason why they came out that

Deidra said...

"Your hair looks sooo much better that way!"

Um, thanks?

Fred M said...

years ago, from an 8-year old friend: "If you went to my school, and people wouldn't play with you at recess because you're fat, I would play with you." Said with a very sincere smile.

Anonymous said...

oh goodness, I just realized I was on Dad's site when I logged that comment! No, no, sweetheart, that was intended for the 'mousemom'.

Kim said...

"Oh, I thought you were one of the kids!" said by a mom at Abby's school. I was there to watch the class for the teacher appreciation lunch. Not sure if it's due to my height or that I use Wal-mart brand moisturizer that makes me look young.

Tiffany said...

"You are so beautiful! Can I give you a makeover?" --Mary Kay consultant

I love this post!

JDM said...

Provided by a random woman working at Nordstrom Rack.
"Does it bother you that everyone who sees you thinks you dye your hair?"

Or my favorite by a boy in school eons ago.
"Your hair is like maroon. Maroon like the interior of my mom's car. Why did you do that?

People are awesome. Why do we even bother to remember these miniscule moments? Something to do with learning about compassion I'm sure.

JDM said...

I know, mine were both just flat out insults.

I just wanted to participate.

Anonymous said...

How about when I first grader says that you look like a Vampire...and then the next time you see them you want to bit them. J/k lol

Jess said...

"Your children are beautiful.... but you look so fat. What have you been eating?"... As this person (a 50ish year old male) pats my tummy as Derick and I stand there is total disbelief.

Needless to say, it was the worst day of my adult life. Saying out loud what I think about myself.

At least they think my children are beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Repeated to me by my child's friend about a conversation in his home where evidently I was the topic of discussion, "You're just one of the fat mommys." Obviously, the child was innocently repeating what he thought was a good compliment.

Anonymous said...

"Elder Ross, you look like you have doughnuts stuck to your back. I like doughnuts."

On my mission, said by a beloved investigator mom. In Japanese it translates much better as the word literally translates as "Adhered to".

She was commenting on my backfat.


Linda said...

So....back when I thought I was thin. I guess I wasn't......
Laying in the sun in a two piece swim suit:
Daughter's friend: Did you ever notice when you sit up your stomach folds over your swim suit?!"
Me: "Please go home and never come back again!!"
She should see me now..... all time fav.....

Friend: "I love your hair...does it grow out of your head like that?"