Thursday, June 3, 2010

Dear Mrs. Ross:

We had a really tough day today. I had reports of Nick hitting and kissing all throughout the day.

Nick's teacher

He tested positive for strep throat 24 hours later

kudos to those wise 2nd graders
that opted for a lunch box to the head
in leu of a kiss,

school can't be out soon enough!


Jess said...

Oh dear! I hope that he is feeling better. I agree.... summer start already! Kaiya would totally opt for a kiss (especially from Nick)

Jessica said...

I don't know why, and I shouldn't laugh, but the thought of Nick hitting people upside the head with his lunch box made me giggle. Probably because I've always wanted to do that at least once!

Hope he feels better soon and the strep didn't spread too far!

Annelise said...

Hi Jodi! Janell is always talking about how she loves your blog so I told her to send me a link. Brian and I are both laughing right now. I love your blog. And in response to one of your posts about people's comments, when I was pregnant with Sarah, my cousin said, "looking at you makes me never want to be pregnant again." That made me feel awesome :)