Thursday, June 17, 2010

"I'm going to teach my kids how to work

and I mean really work. I'm going to teach my oldest housekeeping skills he'll need on his mission. It's time to shift the children's responsibilities so they're more appropriate for their ages. We won't play in the morning. We'll work hard together as a family until 10:00 a.m. every morning and the house will be clean . . . really, really clean."

That was me at the beginning of summer.

Do you know what I've done to make it happen?

Nothing. A big, fat nothing.


Because making a job chart would be, well,
too much work.

idly yours,

"I do not believe people can be happy unless they have work to do. One can really be more of a slave to idleness than to work."

Neal A. Maxwell


Annelise said...

I love this quote:
The cleaning and scrubbing can wait 'til tomorrow
For children grow up as I've learned to my sorrow.
So quiet down cobwebs, dust go to sleep.
...I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep.

Kim said...

I think we all have visions of grandeur when it comes to what we'll do in the summer. Oh well, life goes on.

Mel P. said...

All work and no play make B, M, & N dull boys! We won't worry about A because we know girls are NEVER dull. ;-)

Jess said...

We love a good clean, mowed lawn...

Thanks Sean! (THAL)

That is how much we love to work too.

gina said...

Alright, this picture is way too cool. At first I thought it was so cool because you were able to find a picture on the internet that looked so similar to your own backyard.

But then I looked closer and it was TOO similar to your backyard...with the same door handle, and railing, and a little boy with feet just like Nick. It really is your own picture and it is awesome!

Anonymous said...

There is still lots of summer left. Enjoy the beautiful weather of the season, and this season of your awesome family's life Can't wait to see you all soon!

Mary Ann said...

Wow, this sure brings back memories of 'the job charts'. And remember 'stick ups'? You guys always responded....for about three weeks. Then it was on to a new one. I have to admit, it's sort of fun remembering the 'charts' of summer - reading, jobs, memorizing..... maybe it's why I'm still drawn to 'poster board'!