Wednesday, July 28, 2010

It ranks high on my list of undesirable moments

if, of course, you can consider an entire year a "moment."

I had been voted "Princess" by the 8th grade class (decided by ballot in 1st period) and I remember with clarity taking the arm of my escort and walking awkwardly through the middle of a quieted dance floor to the strains of a sappy 80's ballad. As I reached the stairs I forgot to lift the billows of pink that flowed about me and I walked right up the inside of my gown. By the time I reached the top step where I was to be crowned, my satin heels were up to my waist hunching me over like a 90 year old woman with advanced osteoporosis. It was a painful day in a long year full of painful days. I had no close friends to speak of and it's a mighty difficult thing being left alone with yourself and your half-baked thoughts as a teenager. I'd rather pluck my eyeballs out with a rusty spoon than repeat 8th grade.

I've just registered and paid for my oldest child to have his own 8th grade experience. My palms are sweaty. My stomach is knotted. But he is his own wonderful self, much more sure of life than I was at his age. He's surrounded himself with rock solid friends and he's going into it with a confidence I never owned.

Please be nice to him 8th grade.
You owe it to me,

What was your hardest year in school?


Anonymous said...

Funny you should ask.

As I was walking to my office this morning I caught a glimpse of a woman wearing Vuarnet sunglasses....that's right, Vuarnet sunglasses. The same one's that everyone had to have in the 8th grade. When stuff like that mattered. Back then when you realized - at the time - that The Gap was uncool and Copper Rivet was cool so you had your mom sew a little red tag from an old pair of Levi's to the front breast pocket of your lame Gap Demin Jacket to make it look like you had a Real Levi Jacket but you never would take it off around your friends because then they would see the Gap tag inside. But then you had a Mother Karen's Powder Jacket with the pocket in the front because everyone else had one too, and you had your fake Vuarnet sunglasses (or Phonay's as we in the underground called them) and that stuff all began to matter and you started to care what people thought and what they wore and what you wore and what you smelled like and it all came rushing back to me like a big wave of pent-up regret and before you know it you started calling girls on the phone but not to talk to them just to make sure that you could say you called them so when they answered you hung up on them and told the guys the next day that you called so-and-so and they say "no way" and you're like "way" but then nothing ever happens because you still have braces on and you are wearing that Gap jacket and your Phonay's and it's awkward because you don't know what life is yet and you haven't figured yourself or much of your friends out yet and you don't quite know how to be an individual and you can't wait until you don't have to worry about this stuff any more.....then I realized I was still staring at the woman with the Vuarnet's on and then I felt really wierd so I turned away and started towards the office again.

...So the 8th was the hardest grade.

8th was hardest.


AP said...

Do I have to pick just one? Because 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th sucked equally for me. Hopefully I'll have some insight to share with my kids when it's their turn. Maybe then it won't seem so bad...maybe.

Jessica said...

7th and 8th grade are just a painful blur that I've tried to forget. Good thing 9th grade got better or I would have been forced to quit school!

Kim said...

I am shuddering right now! We moved so often, it's hard to remember. New schools for 6th, 7th & 8th grades. I try not to think about this subject. Best of luck for this upcoming year!

Jess said...

I hateS EVERY year BUT the 8th grade, funny, huh....8th grade was by far by favorite. It include four broken bones and a broken heart (sigh) but it was fantastic! I think we have actually had this discussion, though.

good luck Brayden, YOU will love it!


I remember that moment vividly. I remember standing on that same stage with Robert R. and watching you and my cute boy friend Brian looking like "what the heck..why are we here?" But why don't I remember your dress moment? Really??

Thank goodness we got through 8th grade and became BFF from 9th on. 8th and 9th really had its moments there at Alameda Jr High. I dont wish any of that on my little girls.