Monday, October 4, 2010

I know I've said it before, but this time I REALLY mean it

I want to freeze this moment in time.

Everyone is self sufficient.
They can dress themselves, feed themselves
and buckle themselves into the car.
They'll try new things,
brush their teeth
and do their work effectively(ish).
Their grades don't count permanently
no one is driving, dating, kissing
or flying the coop.
They still like to be with me . . .
a lot.
They giggle, play games, wrestle,
pretend, hold my hand, cuddle
and ask me to tickle their back at night.
The are eager, bright eyed, teachable, innocent
and full of faith and hope.
Their mistakes aren't life altering,
the stakes are still low.

So please,
can't we just stop the clock?

Do you have a moment in time that you would have liked to freeze?


Mary Ann said...

Yeah, I do. I remember thinking that just as all of you grew to 'older teenage' , right before you all 'went your ways' to get on with life. You were all such enjoyable adults - and generally attracted other enjoyable 'adults' that hung around. You were all fun, funny, and could even be talked into singing around the piano.

(I think you all decided it was time to leave home when Becky started threatening 'talent shows'!)

gina said...

I agree that it is so freeing when they become independent and do so much for themselves, but I also loved when they were little and depended on me for everything in their world.

And then,as they get older and go off on their own, you want to stop time so they can stay under your watchful eye forever...but you also want to let go and let them discover how wonderful they really are on their own, without you.

I think it is simply about enjoying where you are at that moment.