Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I spy with my little eye

something fabulously different

So who's going to make your house payment NOW
Mr. smarty pants orthodontist?!

Oh wait.
We are.

One kid down, three to go.
Teeth the size of a horse
Headgear over the top of my head
a fake tooth connected to a retainer
(my friends would scream with glee/horror when I'd pop it out)

Please say you had braces too.
I'll love you even more if you had headgear.


Mel P. said...

I hope you'll still love me even though I didn't have braces.

I do, however, remember the tooth!

Anonymous said...

oh sweetheart, you had headgear?

How about from 5th grade to the end of my junior year: Braces.

Then had my two front teeth filed down to be even on the bottom. So much as to solicit comments from a future Mrs. Brandon Ross to say, "Wow, your teeth are so straight, it looks like they've been filed down."

Well, surprise.


Jessica said...

Our kids are destined to the same fate. I had braces TWICE. Once to correct my horrific under-bite, the second to align my teeth. I have a permanent wire glued to the back of my bottom teeth, and I STILL wear a retainer at night!

(P.S. There is no better way to say, "Not tonight honey," than to pop a custom yellow, sparkly, daisy retainer into your mouth before bed. So hot. Jr. High Jesse was NOT planning for the future with that selection.)

Jess said...

I never had braces or a retainer, so I am sorry, I can't feel your pain... but, my daughters are sure to be needing them and I am dreading that. They all ready have a mouth full of caps (which they get from my soft enamel). I have already paid my dentists mortgage.... twice!

Brady, you look so handsome. I love that smile of yours.

Mary Ann said...

Brayden, You're 'blinding' with that smile!

(and Jessica, I'm still laughing at that comment on retainers! We've all been there)

Anonymous said...

Oh yes had braces, age 23, two kids at the time. I looked like I was 17. Yes had the headgear, only wore it at night or when I was home,,so I wouldn't get pulled over by the cops for driving under age. Braces..fun time.
P.S. Be happy you didn't have 3 kids have braces all at once..ugh:)

gina said...

It was all worth it because you have one of the most beautiful smiles I know. Cheesy....but true.

Kim said...

Braces at 21. Rubber bands across the front of my teeth, head gear (at night only, phew!). I had to choose my wedding date based on when I got them off. Sweet. I loved braces...or maybe I was in love with my orthodontist.