Monday, January 31, 2011

*Like New Mini Fender Squier*

We helped my oldest post it in the classifieds over the weekend. With his 14th birthday on the horizon I guess he's decided he's officially graduated from the mini Fender.

When a man called this afternoon and asked if he could come see it I hesitantly gave him our home address. My husband would be tied up at an appointment and I was more than a little leary about inviting a stranger over. When I saw his dilapidated truck pull up to our house I felt for the cell phone in my pocket as I simultaneously picked up the house phone with the other hand. I was contemplating wether or not to dial '91' so as to only have one number left to push if he decided to attack.

He was a tall, 50 something fellow with thick glasses and long graphite hair. He wore what appeared to be a vintage golf cap that he promptly turned backwards as I ushered him inside. This guy in a nutshell: works at a low end job, a "jack of all trades but master of none," didn't graduate from college, has 3 children and 12 grandchildren, started taking guitar lessons 18 months ago, owns four low end electric guitars that he treasures (and which he practices for 2 hours every day) and was at our home to buy a mini fender for his grandson.

By most peoples standards he doesn't have much but he would be the first to tell you he has everything.

He was honest and kind with my son. He was unassuming and genuine and 20 minutes later I found myself wishing he'd stay longer. My son helped him to his truck with the new purchase and as I watched from the front steps he turned to me with a wide grin as the gentleman firmly buckled the mini fender into the passenger seat.

I walked inside and set the phone back in it's charger, pleased that I'd allowed this stranger into our home. I treasure these surprise encounters with salt of the earth people. They're the sort of people that remind you how great the world really is.

He made me smile.

reminds me of Spoon Lady

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