Monday, February 7, 2011

Idiom Definition: "When the Rubber Meets the Road"

"Where the rubber meets the road is the most important point for something, the moment of truth. An athlete can train all day, but the race is where the rubber meets the road and they'll know how good they really are."
slept in
rush to get teenager up
retrieve his clean jeans from laundry room
peanut butter and jelly toast
3 scripture verses
short, sincere prayer
you got your homework done, right?
out the door
everyone else up
dog harfing in hallway
second oldest complaining of throat
third son wearing yesterdays outfit
put on his shoes
wrong feet
scrambled eggs getting overcooked
water for dog
gather backpacks
youngest grumbling over breakfast menu
what's for show and share?
second oldest announces he's staying home
no verses
short, hurried prayer
dad has to shuttle them to school
Monday mornings,
where the rubber meets the road
for most moms.

I love it.

must get dressed now
and hurry over to elementary school
to be Monday's Reading Mother

1 comment:

Kim said...

In the words of the Carpenters: "Rainy days and Mondays always get me down." Hope Tuesday is a bit better.