Friday, April 29, 2011


He has one friend that actively seeks him out. One friend who invites him to his home and takes him on family outings. One friend that encourages him to get out of his comfort zone. One friend that engages him in the world around them.

But this friend has his own struggles, which may be why their spirits were drawn to each other in the first place. Together they do not create the healthiest of friendships. It's a friendship that any other mother probably would have severed months ago but my thoughts have been complicated. I've sat through too many support group meetings listening to the sadness that comes when a child has no true friends, a very real problem for children with autism. Oh how I fear this for my own son.

We finally sat Nick down and broke the news. I had braced myself for an angry, lego smashing, door slamming, screaming fit but it never came. He placed his little hands over his face and cried silent crocodile tears. "But I have no friends. No one likes me. He is my best friend." He cried himself to sleep. His tears continued through this morning as he pulled his backpack on for school.

My tears started as soon as the house fell silent. Oh please, let him find a friend that loves him, that needs Nick as much as Nick needs him. Let him have a friendship that is easy, and peaceful and positive. Please let his broken heart mend.


Deidra said...

My heart is broken after reading this.

As a mother, I know how worrisome it is when our kids struggle with friendships.

Prayers for Nic and all the kids out there who need friends.

Kim said...

That is so tough. Often times we think they don't get it but they do and it does break your heart. My fears are similar to yours...who will be his friend? Who will watch out for him? {hugs}

Becky W. said...

Our hearts go out to Nick and you, and our prayers go up to heaven. I can't think of a more appropriate prayer for fasting this Sunday.

Heidi said...

Yes, yes it does. What we wouldn't give at times to just take it all away and bring back a smile!! We will also add Nick to our prayers that he can find that friend who will love him for all the things that make him great!