Tuesday, April 12, 2011

It's all about your heart

When he was first diagnosed
our world revolved around one thing and one thing only, finding a cure.
We researched, we worked, we fasted, we prayed,
we asked God for a miracle

but God had already given us our miracle.

Happy Birthday
to one of the greatest miracles
a mother has ever received,

This song speaks perfectly to the love I have for my imperfect boy :

"All About Your Heart"
by Mindy Gledhill

I don't mind your odd behavior
It's the very thing I love
If you were an ice cream flavor
You would be my favorite one

My imagination sees you
Like a painting by Van Gogh
Starry nights and bright sunflowers
Follow you where you may go

Oh, I've loved you from the start
In every single way
And more each passing day
You are brighter than the stars
Believe me when I say
It's not about your scars
It's all about your heart

You're a butterfly held captive
Small and safe in your cocoon
Go on you can take your time
Time is said to heal all wounds


Like a lock without a key
Like a mystery without a clue
There is no me if I cannot have you


Tiffany said...

How is that you bring me to tears in so few words? Happy birthday to your little miracle!

Kim said...

Thanks for sharing part of your miracle with us. Happy b-day to Nick.

Jess said...

Happy Birthday Nick. We Love You So Much!

Thanks for sharing that song. It is a beautiful tribute to a beautiful boy.

Jessica said...

So beautiful. The post and the boy. :) Happy birthday Nick!

kara jayne said...

i've listened to that song a million times, but reading it now...with that perspective...is the first time it brought me to tears. you both are so blessed to have each other. happy birthday nick!

JDM said...

Love that song! But you just made it matter.

Deidra said...

I too have always loved that song but never thought of it that way. Happy birthday to your miracle!

Heidi said...

Great song .. with a perfect message! Love your approach to life!!

Amy said...

Thanks for the song, I needed it. I have liked it for a long time but didn't realize how much it reflected my feelings about 'my boy'.
Happy Birthday to your sweet boy.

Londa said...

What a beautiful song. What a wonderful blessing you have been given. A trial? I would call Nick a divine signature. "Sometimes the Lord sends His blessings in such a highly usual, dramatic, or precisely timed manner. It is as though the Lord "signs" the blessing personally so that we will know with certainty that it comes from Him"."In doing so,God not only gives us the blessing, but at the same time,He also strengthens our faith and deepens our testimony of Him". Love ya!
Happy Bday Nick:)