Monday, April 11, 2011

Do you ever wonder how you're coming across?

not me.
I have an artist in residence
who keeps me up to speed.

Speaking of worrying about how things look . . .

I was talking with a seasoned mother over the weekend
telling her that it's hard not to worrying
about what others think of my children at times.
She said that she used to worry about it as well
but then she realized that no one is judging.
"No one wants to see someone else's child fail," she said
and I believe she's right.

So lets raise our glasses to a toast ~
here's to cheering each other on


americanfamily said...

Dear Jodi. So fun to visit with you on Sat. And so glad for my sis that she has a sisterfriend like you!

Anonymous said...

I agree. At the end of the day, I hope we all can realize that we are all new at this and doing the best we can. I think it would make children's sporting events a lot more enjoyable, too.

That's cute that he drew a picture of you holding his two older brothers.


Anonymous said...

So, who was the trouble maker? Gotta hear the whole story now. I'm picturing you holding your kids up by the pants...I love that artist. Got to see him at school today, oh, and I just saw Matt walking to piano. I just want to hug 'em! Do you think they'd mind?

Jess said...

Here, here. I worry about this often too, as you know. I'm with you, let's start a revolution!

I hope you are saving all of Nick's illustrations. They would make a fabulous book!