Monday, June 27, 2011

Paid in Kind -

When we gave our name at the front desk the receptionist picked up a receiver and said in a low voice "the Rosses are here." A moment later a suit clad blonde was standing by our side, hand extended. "If you need anything, anything at all, you've got my direct extension." We were given express instructions that all charges were to be made to our room and would be covered in full by the hotel upon our departure. We were then directed to our room where we were welcomed by a colorful fruit arrangement along side a very kind letter of thanks. The television in the bedroom was turned to a station that was playing nothing but our commercial. Nick reached up and wrapped his arms around my neck, pulled me close and exclaimed "Mom, this IS grand!"

some highlights: the complimentary treats that kept showing up at our door at exactly the right times, getting crazy in the pool with the kids, shopping, the Arts Festival, the look on my sweetheart's face when Zach introduced himself as Brandon's masseuse for the couples massage, standing on the balcony watching the lightening with my little brood
I have to admit that although I was initially livid with Brandon for roping us into this commercial the payoff has been wonderful. I allowed myself to be stretched, to step well beyond the bounds of my comfort zone, and in the end we were rewarded with a truly amazing experience.

So what are you waiting for?
Nominate a deserving person in your life for a Grand weekend by clicking here: Life Is Grand

it's easy.
and the best part? no cameras involved.


Kim said...

No one deserves it more! Congrats on your fabulous weekend away. You're a super star!

Jessica said...

Mmm, that sounds awesome! Glad to hear you guys got treated like the celebs you are. :)

Mary Ann said...
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Mary Ann said...

I want that almost vacant pool and the cookie the size of Allie's face!

Jennica said...

What a great experience. You totally deserve it!