Sunday, July 31, 2011

Sundays at my house

Victory #1: I didn't cry today.

He has decided he loathes Sunday but as hard as he tries he's not going to make me hate it. I cling to Sunday tighter than a child to his mother. It's my reprieve, my sanctuary, fuel for my fatigued soul.

Victory #2: We missed the opening song, the opening prayer, partaking of the sacrament and sitting by our other three children but we made it there just the same.

determined to win this sabbath day struggle,


Kim said...

That's a tough one & I have no insight on how to handle it. I lost all my insight. Good luck! xoxo

controlling craziness said...

I deal with this every week and to make matters worse, I am the pri. pres. ugh. I feel for you. My son has a friend (actually it is a grandma type lady who has been a family friend since before he was born). He loves her and wants to sit with her at church. So as long as he is good, he gets to sit with her during the last speaker. Works sometimes, but the beginning of sacrament is a struggle. Small victories and baby steps is all we have somedays / most days :) Hope you find something that helps.

Amy said...

We have the same struggle. Maybe it is because they have a free ride that they don't feel the neccessity to go. Too bad it doesn't carry over to parents.
Good luck.