Tuesday, August 2, 2011

tee time: 12:06 (updated***)

I talked him out of wearing his tall black Nike socks to try-outs today. A mistake I realized as we pulled up to the course and a handful of Rickie Fowleresque players were proudly donning their calf huggers. My heart jumped further into my throat as I worried that maybe the ankle socks, previously foreign to him, could throw off his golf mojo. (There are, after all, a whole mess of urban legend lucky sock stories floating around)

The putting green was crawling with well-groomed, professional looking teenage boys all hoping for the same coveted spot on the High School golf team. I'm not sure what I'd been expecting but the sight made me feel excited . . . and amazingly nauseous. The morning had been full of level headed support and praise for his tenacity but the only thing that squeaked out now was "Show 'em what you're made of." It seemed to be the right sentiment as a look of gratitude swept quickly across his face.

As I watched him claim his place on the green my eyes began to water involuntarily. I quickly shifted into drive and headed towards the exit because although I don't know a lot about golf one can only assume it would adversely affect a golfer's game to have his mother crying nearby in her minivan.
Dear Golf, thank you for saving us this summer. Thank you for keeping my son from the television and video games and idle time. Thank you for drawing him daily into the sunshine and fresh air and returning him sun kissed and content to us each evening. Thank you for challenging him physically and mentally and thank you for giving him a positive place to channel all of his teenage energy. We owe you one.

*He played the first 18 holes beautifully ranking him 17th out of 36.
Playing his second round of 18 today (Wednesday).
Fifteen boys will make the team.

**He made the cut! One more round of 18 holes next week to decide the team. Go Brayden!

***Only two strokes over after the first 8 holes. Amazing! Unfortunately he didn't make the team but we are so proud of him. Did I mention that he's only been playing golf for 4 months? That's right. Four months. Can't wait to see what the future holds for this guy.


Jess said...

A good lookin' boy and an athlete.... :)

Timo said...

Way to go, Braydo!

Mary Ann said...

amen, amen, amen to the last musings

AP said...

We will be sending good vibes his way!

Jess said...

Great Job Brayden. Trying out is the best thing that you could have done. You got the coaches to notice a Freshman! Keep trying hard and next year it's in the bag!