Monday, September 19, 2011

A troubled combination pulls through

Brayden + Allie = good mojo
Matt + Nick = good mojo
Nick + Brayden = trouble
Allie + Matt = trouble
Nick + Allie = trouble
Brayden + Matt = trouble

the cause for much heartburn at our house

and then this email showed up in my inbox:

"I wanted to let you know yesterday I saw one of the sweetest things I have seen in a long time.  The cub scouts were on a bike ride and an older boy about Brayden's age was tandem biking with a boy about Nick's age.  It brought tears to my eyes.  Does that boy know how lucky he is to have those opportunities?  (He will when he gets older).  I love your kids and the way you raise them to be the bigger person.

Thanks for allowing me to share your kids."

that's right.  my little scout can't ride a bike so Big Trouble and Little Trouble hopped on a tandem bike together and passed off requirement 4f alongside the rest of the den.

good mojo or not
that's what being part of a family is all about.


Sariah said...

Your turkeys crack me up.
Your family inspires me.
Your "How are you?" comforts me.

Between Wikipedia and Google Calculator, I've determined that there was a .00000008% chance that I would be related to you.

Thank Heavens for my good fortune.

