Tuesday, November 8, 2011

being a mother means

loving someone with such intensity
that when your heart breaks for them
it causes a slow burning behind your eyes
a hard aching in the depths of your throat
a stomach twisted into a million impossible knots
and a mind that can't rest for want of solving it all.

being a mother means
loving someone so much
you feel like you were created
expressly for the purpose of
being by their side
to share in the experience
and even amidst the pain
you're glad for it.

A friend called me out yesterday
She said I'm unkind to myself -
unkind about my mothering skills.
She asked me to name 5 things I'm good at.
It stretched me but I did it:  
  1. saying "I love you"
  2. reading to/with them
  3. creating a warm place for them to come home to
  4. cuddling
  5. can't recall the last one but I did come up with five

So now I'm asking you
What are 5 things that you're good at
as a parent or otherwise?

Try it.
It's wonderfully therapeutic ~


Emilie said...

1. Feeding kids a variety of foods so they don't become picky eaters.
2. Utilizing time-outs properly.
3. Saying "I love you" to them constantly.
4. Teaching them proper grammar.
5. Hugging and snuggling and loving them to pieces.

joy said...

Jod, You ask that question and all I do is tear up, can't even think of 2 let alone 5. My, how the years speed by and they are all grown up. I wish I could start all over again. I kinda wish I would not have looked at your blog today... of well, there is always tomorrow to begin again. love you

Mel P. said...

Hmm, not sure I can come up with 5quickly, but wanted to let you know that I have watched you mother and I aspire to be you. You amaze me. And I LOVE your description of what it means to be a mother!

And I promise, I will think of 5 and let you know.

BRoss said...

being there for my kids
taking my wife on dates

BRoss said...

can I swap out cooking for music?

Jess said...

Thank you for asking this of me last week. I have thought a lot of it since our mini conversation at the school. I am still trying to come up with five. Next time I see you, remind me to tell you mine.:)