Monday, February 27, 2012

I know he meant well

but it wasn't helpful when the chiropractor pointed out my odd posture.  "Put your shoulders back.  Now pull your chin in a little.  Why don't you try putting your hips forward a bit."  When he was finished I looked a deranged disco dancer.  "It's alright.  Your posture is fine," he said as we moved onto the reason I'd come in in the first place. 

Isn't it funny how a person can receive a hundred amazing compliments in a day and yet the only thing they remember when they lie down at night is the one negative someone said in passing?  I found this to be especially true in my youth.  

I caught wind at school that there was talk of me being "stuck-up."  Whether it was one person's opinion or the entire student body's view it mattered not to me seeing as how it's one and the same to a teenager.  I remember making a conscious decision that day to roll my shoulders forward and stoop ever so slightly.  A physical sign to my classmates that I didn't hold myself above anyone.  

What strange habits we carry into adulthood.
Shoulders back and chin up,


Anonymous said...

I have got THEE biggest smile on my face. I looooove this picture, and please tell me it's you. The reason I am even questioning is that your beautiful straight, silky hair could not possibly hold curl like that, could it? Love, love. Post more. Post more.-Gina

Jodi said...

You bet it's me! That hair took a LOT of hard work Gina. And don't you just love the pokey shoulders . . .

Nikki said...

...and I'm loving Brandon's matching tie and cumberbun. Classic 80s.

Anonymous said...

Annabelle wondered "Is Jodi wearing a wig?"