Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Picture this

showing up to a theme party
and wondering if you got the theme right

the "Welcome, Fabulous Forty" ribbon on your cake
goes up in flames before the singing is over

realizing you may be the last person on the face of the earth
that doesn't own a smart phone

and while we're on the subject of parties and smart phones . . .
do you find phones a little distracting at get-togethers?
I keep having these surreal moments when I look around the room
and realize that nearly everyone there is staring at their phone.
What happened to the here and now?
Have we forgotten how to interact with the person sitting next to us?

It drives me

I know, I know.
I sound like an old fart.
(sorry I used the word "fart" mom.)


Jess said...

BEST FAMILY PICTURE EVER! It has to be your next Christmas card. I love it. I know what you mean about the smart phone addiction. I don't own one. I have a good old fashion flip phone.... still. ha ha

And by the way, you are Fabulous at Forty!

Nikki said...

Happy 40th Birthday Jodi!! You really are fabulous. i will be joining you in the 40 category soon.

Brooke and Jonny said...

I 100% agree with you on the phone thing. It also drives me nuts when I look around a room and see everyone has their phone out, so then guess what I do...pull out my phone because there is no one to talk to. Oh how I love and hate technology