Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Time to let go

I don't remember when exactly I purchased the board shorts but I do have photos that suggest they've been with us since late 2007.  My husband has been begging me to retire them for years.

"It's time," he sighed.
"I know, I know" I answered as I threw them into my suitcase.

Change can be hard.

Headed for Maui on Friday.
I'll be leaving my board shorts and my 30's there.


kara jayne said...

what a great way to celebrate 40!! have a fabulous time and a great birthday. i miss you.

Kim said...

At least the big change comes while you are in paradise! Happy b-day!

Nikki said...

Hope you enjoy plunging into 40. We will be there shortly too. Hawaii will definitely soften the blow.

Linda said...

Hmmmmmm.....I remember when I turned 40. It wasn't in Maui.....but I do remember meeting you in the parking lot of the Layton Hills had a gift for you remember what it was? Well....I have been saving it for you for a long time. 22 years in fact....I'll be sending it to you when you come back home! I loved you once...I love you still. I always have...always will.

little red hen said...

Ahhhh...can't think of a more deserving person...enjoy your birthday!


Enjoy it buddy! Enjoy it!!!

mousemom said...

Holy cow, you DID leave those board shorts there! Way to go!!