Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Yes! It's a summer thing.

"Sure, you can have cereal for a snack."
"You bet you can call a friend."
"I'd love to play UNO with you, again."
"You can absolutely give me a makeover."
"Yes, you can have another otter pop."
"I'm fine with you staying out later."
yes, Yes and YES!

zero guilt summer.


Anonymous said...

Yaaay, you are back!!! Love the picture.
p.s. if we only get one blog a month this summer, that is a big, stinky "BOOO"!-Gina

Anonymous said...

Love your blog! Love, Love, your new pic!! Love, Love, Love, you!!!

Jess said...

Seriously???!!! That is the BEST!

MM said...

Now THAT is a photo of a confident woman! totally agree with the musings on summer. Ain't it wonderful...