Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Am I wimp or wonder woman?

I asked myself this daily during the first trimester of each pregnancy.  I remember thinking it was CRAZY that I felt worse than I ever had with the flu yet each morning I was expected to hop out of bed and put in a full day's work.  No one was making me chicken noodle soup or sending me "get well soon" cards.  There was no sick time to be had.  At work I'd run to the bathroom down the hall, throw up so violently that I'd burst blood vessels in my neck, and be back at the front desk 5 minutes later checking patients in.  "This is pregnancy?"  My respect for pregnant women grew exponentially.  I couldn't tell if I was weathering things well or if my pain threshold was as low as a thermometer in the Antarctica.

I'll tell you something else I can't gauge well.  My dislike for failing.  I HATE to fail.  I'm assuming most people dislike failure but I'm reasonably sure I hate it more than the next person.  Instead of using this to propel myself forward (as many do) it's just downright paralyzing.  I passively aggressively avoid these situations.  Don't try, don't fail.

Luckily this mindset has not been adopted by our children:

whether or not he is elected
he has succeeded in the trying.

Don't try, don't learn.

a few more things I can't gauge:
my fear of heights, worry, anxiety, speaking before I think
Nuisance or clinical -
How is one to know?


Jess said...

Brilliant on Braydens part. He recieved 4 more "likes" from the Liwanag household.

I will tell you some things he did get from you.... Preserverence
And people want to Surround themselves with Brayden because of his genuine love, and kindess for others. He gets that from his mother.

You are a wonder woman in book.All mothers are.

Becky W. said...

Woah! This is an awesome campaign poster. Who thought of this? SO COOL! I'd vote for Brayden just by these posters alone. Way to go!

By the way, I almost ran for office when I was in 9th grade and didn't end up turning in the paper of signatures....because I was afraid. I regret not doing that. Even if I would have failed, it would have been better to try. Way to go Brayden!