Friday, April 13, 2012

Dear H.R. department:

I would like to file a formal complaint concerning my co-workers.

After an early morning visit to the temple I returned to the work place only to find my co-workers in a state of complacency.  I wondered if they were under the impression that it was their day off because they were wearing pajamas and practicing their master lego building skills in the break room.  They had not eaten, practiced piano, made their beds, combed their hair or brushed their teeth. No one had bothered to let our furry co-worker outside for his morning potty break, he had not received food or clean water and in a disgruntled state has left a nice layer of saliva all over the glass door.

I enjoy my job very much and would like to maintain my current position here but please understand that I cannot continue to work under these conditions.

Thank you in advance for addressing my concerns.
Most sincerely,


Kim said...

No one should have to work in those conditions. I hope your concerns are addressed and that changes will be made.

BRoss said...

Uh, hopefully I'm not transfered to a different department....

Anonymous said...

I could offer you a great position... jeni