Friday, May 18, 2012

The last month of school

is like the last month of pregnancy.
It's makes life so uncomfortable
that the alternative looks desirable.


9th grade Geography AP test 7:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

4th Grade County report complete with -
tri fold poster board
King's Peak model painstakingly built from legos
coordinating treat that ties into County

Chaperoning 4th grade field trip Monday
Chaperoning 1st grade Zoo extravaganza Tuesday
6th grade swim day,
and rocket day,
and dance day,
and field day,
and graduation day
the fun just goes on and on . . .

anxiously awaiting summer's arrival,


Anonymous said...

This is an entry from my sister-in-laws facebook. I thought it went perfectly with today's post-

Dear month of May;
I don't like you. You're deceptive. You're supposed to be all pretty and new life-ish, but instead you sneak up on me, whack me over the head with great, big "to do" lists and deadlines and then suck me dry! Oh... And then you smack a holiday and swimsuit season onto the end just to rub it in my face! You can take your flowers and shove 'em up your April! We. Are. Over.

But, you have to admit May is soooo beautiful, busy or not.One of my favorite months, for sure.-Gina

little red hen said...

See you at the Zoo!!