Thursday, May 24, 2012

A week in the life

Brayden -

Finished the last of his AP tests.  Has a life again.

Received the "Perfect Attendance" award at 9th grade honors night.  He assured us it's the "nerdiest" award a person could ever receive.  Is it nerdy of us to be proud? . . .

Spent the day at Black Clover Golf Academy with Uncle Todd and Jimmer Fredette.

Had an amazing celebration in honor of the Eagle he earned 9 months ago.  Wanting to shake things up a little we invited close family and held a very informal ceremony in our backyard followed by gourmet burgers (caramelized onions, bacon, swiss, cheddar, avocados, sauteed mushrooms, tomatoes on the vine . . .) and a rousing game of basketball.

Mr. Matt -

Happily done with CRT tests.  Was the only one in his class to receive 100% on any of the tests.

Graduated from D.A.R.E. and promised to never, ever, ever, ever do drugs so he and a group of other non-drug using hooligans were invited to a night at Boondocks by officer Friendly (Wilko).

Received his Star + 7 merit badges at the Court of Honor this week taking him to a bakers dozen in 20 months of being a Boy Scout.  He was just put in as Assistant Senior Patrol Leader and is still enjoying serving as 2nd counselor in his Deacon's Quorum.

Hangs out with a different friend every day.  Is suffering from allergies for the first time in his life.  Is in love with his bike, uses it to get everywhere.  Excited/anxious about moving on to Junior High.

Nick Nack -

County report went off without a hitch.  "I was a little scared when I started but then I wasn't scared anymore!"  The Lego replica of King's Peak was an especially nice touch. 

The Viewmont High School soccer team helped at Nick's soccer games each week.  For a moment I was sad that these special needs kids would never have the skills that the Viewmont boys have but my sadness disappeared as I watched our children provide them with the opportunity to overcome fear in the face of differences.  It melted my heart to see the bonds that grew.

The end of season awards ceremony was spectacular.  Put on by an Eagle Scout from Layton it was an absolute love fest.  Each child received multiple medals and thunderous applause from the teary crowd.  Funny, but it somehow made me sad for people who will never be a part of the special needs community.  I count it as one of my greatest blessings.

If you take away the crazy bus driver who had a great sense of humor but a terrible sense of direction I would count this field trip as a great success!  Nick loved learning all about the 1800's as he has a real obsession with all things old.  Like the 1900's.  Which I was born in.

Allie Beans -

Played her last game of soccer.  Ever.  Which is a real blessing to her.  and her coach.  and us.  We'll be looking forward to helping her find her forte' somewhere else.

Darling on the field trip to the zoo because 1st graders can't help but be darling.  They hold your hand and talk to you and love you.  I get a lump in my throat when I think of her growing up.

She stayed home "sick" yesterday and I loved every minute of it.  It made me remember how wonderful the days where when it was just her and I.  "I will miss you momma," she says as she walks out the door each day for school.  If she ever knew just how much of my heart she takes with her when she leaves -


Kim said...

Sweet memories!

little red hen said...

I'm now an emotional mess after reading about you and your are so neat.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Anonymous said...

Love the pictures!! Love the post!!! Love the tribute to each child!! But, especially love the mother!