Thursday, June 28, 2012

it's THE (thee) day

The last day of swim lessons.
The day their teacher promised 
they could go off the "real" diving board.
There's a lot of thought that precedes such a venturesome move - 
The experience of swim class never leaves a person:  The deafening sounds at the pool drowned out only by the silence found in the deep turquoise water.  The chlorination that cleans your sinuses and burns your eyes from the inside out.  Pruned fingers and toes, fatigued muscles, sun kissed shoulders.  Silky winter hair turned ever so slowly to straw.  The teacher that makes you practice your kicks on the wall until you think your legs may possibly fall off. The heat of the pavement.  That crazily insatiable appetite when you get home . . . 

and after all this we make up some wacky move -
 a mix between the breathe stroke and "monkey, airplane, soldier"
to navigate the municipal pools of life.

It's all good

just as long as your head's above water,

1 comment:

mm said...

oh, such an apt analogy. And thank heavens 'content' sometimes matters more than 'form'!