Wednesday, February 11, 2009


The last time I gave my appearance any real thought was on the way to the hospital to give birth to my firstborn.  Now that I'm a mom, makeup and wardrobe have ranked somewhere beneath dental visits and annual exams (neither of which have happened annually by the way).    Now that my kids have grown a little older and more independent I've had time to take note of my appearance once again.

Where did those smile lines come from?  When did I start getting more grey hairs than I could pluck?  Why in the world can't I eat a whole bottle of squeeze cheese without gaining weight anymore?  And that wardrobe  . . . HELLO!  Has anyone owned more brown, black and grey?!

I got a call from Jeff Hein a few days ago.  Jeff is an extremely talented local artist.  He's also a client of Brandon's.  He was calling to ask me if I'd be willing to model for his
 latest project.  
Me?  Model?
Sure.  Do  you want me to wear brown, black or grey?

Although sitting for a portrait felt about as desirable as that trip to the dentist or annual exam, I decided I would do it. 

So I went today.  And I sat.  And I sat.  And I sat some more.  He scrutinized, sketched and scrutinized some more.  He said many nice things like how symmetrical my face is and how well I can sit motionless and how easy my hair is to sketch because it's so straight.  Compliments that anyone would love to hear.

It was four hours of reconnecting with myself and my 30 something appearance.  I've decided that my smile lines are a good thing and that my body is just fine at it's new weight. 

I still think my hair and closet are begging for  a little color . . .


Jessica said...

Welcome to the blogosphere! I'm so excited you started a blog!

How totally flattering, (but terribly boring) to be asked to model! I'm not surprised at all--you're beautiful!

And if you ever want to compare bland closets, I'm your woman! Right now, I'm wearing gray pants with a gray sweater over a black shirt with black flats. I should really fix that...


Girl you got it going pictures and in words! So happy that you have joined the blogging world...I will look forward to your daily impressions! Love ya Jod.

PS Wardrope........that went out in the 9th grade!

kara jayne said...

I'm right with you on this. My gray hairs are getting more plentiful, and the lines deeper. You know what? I'm okay with it. I would love 4 hours of my thoughts to myself. Does that make me boring?

Becky W. said...

I can't say I've noticed you getting older. You're so beautiful.

Jess said...

Jodi you are soooo beautiful, but I know the feeling. Remember what I mentioned in my talk during sacrament meeting? I hate wearing makeup and getting ready... well I meant it!!! You've seen me!!!! I would love to see the finished product of the artwork though....

Kris said...

I had my first WHITE hair when I was pregnant with Tayler!
I think you get your wardrobe back when your kids stop wiping yogurt mouth and booger nose on you. I'm almost there.
I have to say~ you are doing a fantastic job of looking great and being a terrific mom at the same time.