Monday, March 9, 2009

37 going on 90

Bo:  "Do you want to keep this?"  
         holding up a newly emptied butter container

Me:  "For what?" 

Bo:  "I don't know.  To put leftovers in or something."  

Me:  "I don't think we meet the age requirement for saving those yet."

Please understand that I'm not against being frugal, especially in today's market.  Used food containers just invoke strong memories for me, most of which are tied to my grandmother's fridge.  A 12 year old girl looking for Cool Whip and Surprise! it's casserole from the week before.  Sour Cream?  Nope.  Broccoli and raisin salad.

We have tupperware that has promised to exceed it's allotted, oversized cupboard and a drawer full of lids that will be lucky if they ever see their mates again.  I don't think we need to add a whipped butter container to the mix.

Flash forward to this morning:
I sit down to my morning ritual of 1/2 a bowl of non-sugar cereal, 1/4 cup of non-sweetened grapefruit juice, a calcium pill, two fish oil capsules, a multivitamin for women and a B-12 supplement.  I've been having the same thing for breakfast since 2002.  How old am I?  Ninety?!

In my defense, it's a good thing that I'm eating breakfast at all.  I didn't partake of  breakfast consistently for the first 32 years of my life.  Sure, my mom tried to impart this most important of habits, but breakfast just isn't my thing. I hate sweets in the morning which includes all things covered in syrup.  I'm not a big fan of fruit either.  (Gasp)  Now if I could sit down to some celery and cucumbers I'd be all over it . . . but raw veggies haven't caught on to the breakfast buffet for some reason.  Now an omelette is a socially acceptable way to get red peppers, artichoke hearts, feta and mushrooms onto the table at the break of dawn.  Unfortunately I can't make an omelette to save my life.

So I've finally found something I could stomach.  Cheerios and grapefruit juice.  I keep serving it up for myself each morning after I've fed my clan a warm breakfast.  

I'm bugging myself. 

There ought to be an age requirement for getting into an eating rut.  Maybe there is.  Maybe I've met it.  

I'd better tell Bo to hold on to that yogurt container when he's finished.



I despise leftovers...I don't know why but this chicky cannot bring herself to save food. i get their are alot of people out there that would love to have my left overs..well then come on over....

If you happened to do eventually put it in a yogurt container...tell me how long it stays in your fridge. I think that will also add a few more years on to your age too!! ha, ha...

Kim said...

As long as you don't start washing & reusing plastic ware, I think you are doing ok. As far as the breakfast is are much healthier than most...congrats!

Jessica said...

Ha ha, I just ate my leftover pasta from an old sour cream container. In my defense, it was from my MIL's house. I buy tupperware for a reason!

Jeni said...

I usually switch between two breakfasts...I think you're perfectly normal and old. Washed out 5 gallon ice creams buckets are great containers to take soup to your neighbors in...thats about the extent of my 'empty food container' saving.

BRoss said...

Wait a minute, who gives their neighbor 5 gallons of soup?

Anyway, you know the funny thing about that is I was asking you if you wanted to save that container because I was excited about saving something that could then be coated in BUTTER. Like cheese or chicken or something.

It's time to embrace our time in life sweetheart.

By the way, dinner's at 4:30 tonight.

kara jayne said...

I'm sorry, but I'm laughing so hard right now!!! You are so funny and I can just see my grandmothers fridge in my mind!

Jeni said...

Ok, Brandon's comment made me laugh but also had me questioning myself so I looked and they are actually just one gallon containers... :) Soup anyone!?

Anonymous said...

That was funny! Just Sunday I had to smile at my mom as she was washing out a used ziplock bag so she could dry it out with a dish towell and put it back into her kitchen drawer to be used again....
I know I will do it too someday

Becky W. said...

Ha ha ha ha. I can see Grandma Barbara's fridge now. All cool whip and sour cream containers. And the conversation of the day? "Well, I just have this bowl of oatmeal, and it's enough for me."

Jess said...

First of all.... your 37???? I totally though you were 32 or something. Anyway, we have the same amount of mix-matched lids and containers and NOTHING drives me more nuts!

Mary Ann said...

I can't comment right now. I'm too busy ferreting through my 'plastics' drawer!

And by the way, if you can look like you do eating the same breakfast since 2002, I'd add some 'buzz words' to the practice and write a book!