Monday, May 31, 2010

My favorite line of the day

The six of us are piled in the minivan
when Nick starts into one of his spectacular meltdowns.
He decides at this point to take his frustrations out
on the flowers we've purchased for the cemetery.
Brandon sees this and while reaching over to grab them from his hands yells . . .

"Those flowers are for our dead ancestors
and if you hurt them I'm going to hurt you!"

we all melted into great fits of laughter,
along with our dead ancestors, I'm sure.

Happy Memorial Day,

When I told Allie we were going to visit the graves
she asked if we were going to visit the grandma
that made her blankie, "fuzzy."
She wanted to take her some flowers . . . to tell her thank you.

She chose a perfect bright yellow with lime green centers.


Jessica said...

What an awesome tradition. I missed visiting the cemeteries this year, but I was able to spend it with my family, and I'm pretty sure my ancestors would be pleased with that too.

Mary Ann said...

Grandma Louise would be so pleased to think that 'fuzzy' still endures after two generations!