Friday, July 16, 2010

He's a shrewd business man

I was busying myself with sugar cookies
while he took care of the sign

it wasn't until the first customer of the day
started rifling through his wallet
that I noticed the inflated price of lemonade.

I pulled our little salesman aside and firmly explained
that all sale items were to be .25 cents

he made quite a haul that day
and although math isn't my strong point
I know how many cups we had
and how many cookies I made

and let me just say
I don't think Mr. Nick stuck to our .25 cent agreement


your embarrassed neighbor,
I love
how busy it keeps the children

how well it teaches (or should teach) them about money
and overhead, and tithing and savings and work

the kind interactions with neighbors
I hate
the obligation that friends and neighbors often feel

and the distinct feeling my children look like beggars.

one lemonade stand per year is one too many for me
especially when my child has bamboozled the neighborhood.


Kim said...

In this tough economy you do what you have to do!

Anonymous said...

As Brandon put it, "Thanks for supporting the local economy!" Always our pleasure! ...and $3 isn't bad when you think about the overhead! :) (We know legos aren't cheap!)


Linda said...

Oh....I got bamboozled the other day. I think I paid about $4.00 for 10 cherries.....they did however tell me that they brought them all the way from Washington...personally! They were the most delicious cherries ever...I am sure that your neighbors felt the same way about the treats that they bought.....and by the way....I am sure like me, they really did want to buy them!!! I think you should do it more often...not less!!! And, could you make me some cookies while you are at it?! I need a treat.....

Unknown said...

It is so much fun to stop at lemonade stands! It's a riot to talk to the kids, and I think people pay what they can. Also, isn't it nice to know kids are out doing something, not in front of the TV watching Spongebob? I always walk away with a huge smile on my face, and I think that's what it's all about.

Jeni said...

McKinlay, Adam and I loved the cookies and lemonade. Adam said "I usually don't like sugar cookies but these are really good". I know what you mean though, I really try avoiding the 'can I have a lemonade stand' question.