Monday, July 12, 2010

Ya know when

you have a pimple so huge you wonder if it's connected to your central nervous system?

you take on the medicine cabinet that you haven't cleaned out for years and 97% of the contents have expired?

you aren't even organized enough to make a to do list?

you can't decide if it's more work to listen to your kids complain while they do their work or to just do the 5 minute jobs yourself?

you're finally done raising your toddlers and you slow down just long enough to realize you don't recognize the woman in the mirror?

you forgot somewhere along the way how to have hobbies? and learn? and be interesting?

yeah, me too.

each stage of life
is full of it's own challenges
and rewards

what stage are you finding yourself in?


Anonymous said...

I wanna see that zit!


liking my new hobbies and the woman in the mirror but seeing dirty hand prints as well on that

Brooke and Jonny said...

Well said, I'm finding myself to be more and more like this everyday and my first child is only 4 weeks old

Unused Account said...

Soon-to-be Kindergartener, toddler and new baby.

I am in the stage where I often mutter the words, "Why do we even TRY and have anything nice."

And where I am certain that not only will we NOT be getting back our security deposit, but we may be liable for damages to this townhouse...starting with the family portrait drawn on our dining room wall with sharpie markers.

And for the first time in my life I feel as if I am barely keeping my head above water. And some days, it's all the way under.

And praying that someday it will let up and I will feel as if I have this wife/mother thing under control.

Jessica said...

Learning to enjoy motherhood and revel in it before it gets too crazy!

Jess said...

You saw my pimple at church???