Wednesday, August 4, 2010

My mother is talented. Really, really talented.

She has a voice that puts Sleeping Beauty to shame
and an absolutely magical touch with the ivories
you name a tune and she breaks into the most beautiful rendition of it
sans sheet music

I took piano when I was a girl

I hated it

My four siblings and I each had a dish night
It was my night to do dishes and I swore that if she made me wash them
I'd quit taking piano
{echo, echo, echo}

I had to do the dishes

Now, every day is my dish day
and I can't play a lick of piano

I sure showed her
wah ha ha
{evil laughter}

There was a rule at my house that we had to be
taking a musical instrument at all times,
a difficult undertaking for those of us that couldn't carry a tune in a pail.
After the great piano debacle I picked up the flute.
In case you didn't know, there are "chairs" in band,
"first chair" being the most talented.

I was last chair.

The poor band director finally moved me to percussion
but we need not relive that painful part of history.


Kim said...

I regret not being able to take piano lessons. Abby is in piano whether she likes it or not. It's like math, you have to do it. You should take lessons now! How fun would that be.

Jessica said...

"Sure showed her", LOL! I fought my Mom about playing the piano for three long years. She had the same rule about music, but luckily she counted the voice as an instrument. Thank heavens I got to switch to choir because I lack any necessary hand-eye coordination to play an instrument!

Mel P. said...

Your mother IS really, really talented! Oh, that I had just a fraction of that.

After begging to quit piano and watching both my brother and sister quit, I am NOW grateful my mother never let me quit. I LOVE that I can play "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star".

Anonymous said...

Quitting Piano was the biggest regret of my childhood......

oh, and those "snacks" I used to fix myself after school which really could be termed...
"Carb Loading before Dinner"

and also 8th Grade....maybe I mentioned that before.


Mary Ann said...

Who knew you'd turn out to be the writer, poet and photographic artist of the group.

(By the way, why didn't we put Nate's violin, Becky's piano, John's sax, your flute and Matt's voice together and make money like the Osmonds??)