Thursday, August 12, 2010

I busted out of my comfort zone yesterday

I went to the mall.
I have a certifiable aversion to malls
comparable to my clinical aversion of heights.
My palms get sweaty, my heart beats crazy, my head swims.
Unfortunately the need for back to school clothes trumped
so I faced my fears
and did my part to stimulate the economy
and guess what else I did yesterday -
I bought hairspray at the salon.
I haven't owned hairspray since the early 1990's.
I told the hairdresser as much
and she told me to be careful, that I was dating myself.
I wanted to tell her to be careful because her tip was in jeopardy.

The hairspray is called Big Sexy Hair.
I'm hoping less for the Big and more for the Sexy.
We banned the word sexy in our house a few years back.
It's not cute coming out of a little boys mouth.
Soon after enforcing the ban,
I purchased Short Sexy Hair gel for their spiky cuts
and they were inextricably mortified.
I had to blacken the offending word out with a sharpie.

But anyway
I just wanted to let you know
that for a day I was a mall shopping, sexy haired consumer.

Today I'm more of a ponytail, waffle making, slave driver
but whatever,


Jess said...

and I love your new haircut!

Tiffany said...

I adore you and your less-big, more-sexy hair. ;)

Jeni said...

I was at the mall yesterday too. One word...painful

Nikki said...

I'm dying to see this new sexy hair cut. I hate the mall too by the way, I would rather stab my eyes out than go there.

Jessica said...

LOL, atta girl! If I'm not mistaken, Halley wears Big Sexy Hair spray too and she does indeed have sexy hair! Lemme know if it works.

Anonymous said...

That was hairspray???!?!?!

No wonder I can't put my arms down, I thought it was deoderant...I thought the name was kind of strange.

Man, it HAS been a long time since we had hairspray.

by the way... SEXY part is totally covered!