Wednesday, September 15, 2010

He's predictably unpredictable

Monday was the start of our elementary schools
newly formed "Runner's Club."

After filling out the required release forms
and watching the children stretch every last muscle
they were off and running . . .

Nick was only a few feet down the track before he peeled off from the masses
and jetted straight across the middle of the field.
It only took a moment for me to realize
that this was his blatant attempt
at moving into first.

His path once again converged with the track
indeed putting him in first place
for approximately two seconds . . .
until he was passed by
"Max, the fastest boy in school,
maybe even in the world!"

Nick instantly fell prostrate
flattened against the grass
face to the sky

"Inappropriate or irrational concern for how our efforts compare to the accomplishments of others will result in unnecessary frustration and spiritual decline. Diligent attention to our duties, our inspired choices, and recognition of our limits will enable us to 'win the prize.'"
Elder John C. Taggart, Ensign, August 2010

I guess Nick didn't realize that just making it around the track
made him a winner in my eyes,

1 comment:

kara jayne said...

how do you do it jod? are such and incredibly talented writer. thank you so much for the quote at the end. i really needed that