Thursday, September 23, 2010

Average kids, now that's something to cry about

Nick's IEP (individualized education plan) is scheduled for next week
which means all sorts of recent testing for him.
His resource teacher called yesterday and said
"That little stinker has tested out of resource!"

She said his IQ is average and
his reading level and comprehension are above average
and he even tested too high to qualify for math
(although she would like to keep tabs on him in math
which is great with me because I'm the one to blame
for the utterly defective math gene)

I called my sweetheart with the news and he cried

I called Mom #2 with the news and she cried

I called my Mom with the news and she screamed with delight and then cut the conversation short because she was boarding a hot air balloon somewhere in Vermont

I hung up the phone and cried
because my son is average
and that is a miracle.


Mel P. said...

Here's to being average (said with tears in my eyes).

Jessica said...

And then you blogged about it and we all cried. Way to be go Nick!!


What great news! I love it!

Tiffany said...

This made me cry, too, because I had the same experience with my youngest. Congratulations to you all.

Nikki said...

Thanks for sharing Jodi. You help keep things in perspective for me!

Kim said...

I {heart} average!

AP said...

Oh, Jodi! That is wonderful. Thanks for sharing such great news. Luke just got off the phone with me because Brandon walked past him...too funny. Now I know where I stand :)

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful blessing!
Love you!Love Nick!