Thursday, October 14, 2010

We were playing in her pink princess tent

when a neighbor walked by.

"That's a darling fort. My kids used to love building blanket forts. They would use every blanket, sheet and safety pin in the house. I don't remember the last time they built one. That's the sad thing . . . you just don't realize at the time that it's the last."

When was the last time I played wooden block soldiers with my little boy, read board books in pajamas all day, took a two hour walk around the block inspecting every pine cone, rock and insect?

I think we'll be building a blanket fort today,


Jessica said...

We took an hour-long walk around the block today, picking up chestnuts and throwing them. It was great. And we've had like a week full of days reading board books in PJs. I guess I really should soak up these days while I can, huh? Good luck with that blanket fort!

Jess said...

by the way... i am loving your decorating. You had told me not to long ago that your kids had asked you why you don't do a whole lot of decorating for the holidays... well, well, done. It looks fantastic. I miss playing in forts too. Ours took up the entire unfinished basement. It was awesome! Hmmmm sounds like fun.