Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Three strikes and you're out

Allie looking through the back of my jewelry drawer while I'm changing into my pajamas one evening:

"Mom! This is my tooth!" (cradling the itty bitty wisp of a thing gently in her palm)

"Um, no it's not. It's mine. From when I was a kid. I saved it."

Nick had three teeth pulled last week. He carried the long rooted devils around the house the rest of the day showing them to to every family member and visitor alike. Upon retiring he secured them in his special "tooth necklace" and tucked them safely under his pillow. At the break of dawn the next morning he flew into our room, devastated that the tooth fairy hadn't come. While he was using the bathroom I checked under his bed and sure enough, I found three gold dollars. I explained to him that the tooth fairy must have left his teeth so he could save them until he was an adult. Because adults like to save their baby teeth . . . in the back of their jewelry drawers.

Brushing Allie's teeth last night. A permanent tooth is coming in behind a baby tooth that by now is flapping in the wind. I take the bull by the horns and give the baby tooth a good yank, but I only pull hard enough to release a steady stream of blood. She runs from the children's bathroom into mine, locking herself inside and using the sterile white bath towels to mop up her bloodied mouth and chin. The tooth finally comes out. She leaves it under her pillow. The tooth fairy comes. This morning Allie is fit to be tied because the tooth fairy only left her 1 gold dollar. She got 4 quarters for her last tooth and everybody knows that 4 is more than 1!

job opening.

Let's hear your tooth fairy stories . . .


Anonymous said...

I am currently in settlement negotiations with my "tooth fairy" because, looking back, I don't recall ever seeing one dime. I remember having a lot of teeth fall out, then about 8 pulled in preparation for my braces. Do you know what the interest would be on $1 a tooth for 30 years invested in a properly diversified mutual fund? $30 - per tooth! Attorney fees will eat most of that up, but SOOO worth the fight.



Depending on how hard the kid and parent worked on getting the tooth out depended on the amount $ the tooth fairy left.....just enough to make them think it was all worth it and if they had to go through that type of trauma again would they let us put our fingers back in their mouths! But truthfully the tooth fairy is robbing us blind!

Linda said... isn't exactly "tooth fairy" material...but my 8 year old grandson Ryley tied a loose tooth to an arrow the other day and shot it from a crossbow to pull it out! I can't believe that it wasn't captured on video.....I would love to be able to see the whole gruesome ordeal......I actually offered to tie it to a toaster that he wanted me to then throw down the stairs...I thought it would be a better idea to throw him down the stairs. He didn't like that idea and pulled the tooth before he came back to Pocatello to face me!!! Ha...I love having grandkids!

Hey...when do you turn that next year?!!! I actually have a gift that I have been saving for that big day for quite a while now!!!

Love you......