Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Is there hitting in lacrosse?

Utah Lacrosse Association

to me
show details 4:34 PM (0 minutes ago)

Herriman Lacrosse is proud to present:Concussion Awareness Seminar TONIGHT!
SportsMed Utah
6:30pmAnybody and everybody is welcome to attend!

The warning sewn to the inside of his glove:

This lacrosse glove will not prevent or protect against all injuries. You risk severe and crippling injury or even death when playing lacrosse. Do not use if damaged in any way.

oh dear.


Jess said...

Injuries, sminjuries.... you haven't lived if you haven't had 3 broken noses, a broken tail bone, two broken wrists, every finger broken at least once, several black eyes, a broken ankle, torn shoulder, and a severely torn up knee needing 4 knee surgeries. Your only young once right! I am paying the price now, but boy the ride was WONDERFUL!

Mel P. said...

Isn't that all part of childhood/adolescence? At least they gave you a warning label. I'm pretty sure my parents didn't have one although they definitely needed one with me :0). Just be sure your insurance premiums are all current.

gina said...

I am CRAAACKING up!!and I thought the exact same thing when I got that email. But I am not worried so much about a concussion...just please don't hit him in the teeth. Whatever happens, SAVE YOUR TEETH!