Wednesday, August 26, 2009

What's your favorite animal?

What's your favorite activity?
Please. Just listen to me for one minute. We need to get this form filled out.
What's your favorite subject?
Lunch? That' not a subject. A subject is math, spelling, reading.
Lunch? Really? Fine.

Purple field trip form, signed. Oh man, it needs a check attached.
Grab my purse.

We need two boxes of tissue. Allie, why did you open the tissue?!
Two rolls of paper towels. It doesn't fit in your backpack? You'll have to carry it.
Extra pencils with toppers. Why didn't I take those pencil toppers grandma offered us?

Hi mom, remember those pencil erasers you said we could have?

Attach a small family picture? Ugh.
Boot up the computer.

8:35. Crap.

Still printing.
Attach wet photo to form.

Mom, I'm not going to school.

We'll talk about it in a minute Nick.

I'm having a very bad day.


I want to take a home lunch.

Must find

quart size baggies and disinfectant wipes and 5 glue sticks per term . . .

Oh, and mom, did I mention I need a trapper keeper?

Mom, I spilled my milk again.


Mel P. said...

Ahhh, school daze! Gotta love it.

gina said...

Amen...except with 2 extra doses of teenage drama.

Kim said...

Gotta love school! Enjoy the new school year!

Jeni said...

yep, that pretty much sums it up although our mornings always include 2 year old tears

Emily said...

A mother's work is never done! So cliche but true.

Jess said...

And.... Breath