Monday, March 28, 2011

The 4-1-1 on the 9-1-1

Why did you call 9-1-1?
I am not sure.

(curiosity. playing with a friend. They hung up immediately when 911 answered)

How did you feel when they called back?
Like my stomach was going to break into pieces.

Then what did you do?
I looked for Dad and You.

(I was at Home Depot. Brandon, who had been working in the yard, had stepped next door to help the neighbor carry in a piece of furniture.)

What did the lady on the phone say when you couldn't find us?
She didn't say anything. She just stayed on the phone.

(when I pulled up to the house 6 minutes later Nick handed me the phone and I had the privilege of explaining to the lady at emergency services why our autistic 8 year old hadn't known where his parents were.)

How do you feel about 9-1-1?
I am never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever going to call it again. I didn't really call 9-1-1. It was a big joke! Can we stop talking about this?


Kim said...

At least he knows who to call. Abby did that once when she was small and a cop showed up at the door. Good times.

Jess said...

Oh dear... tell him it's okay to keep calling all he wants because when he really needs them he wont be afraid to call. Besides he will know them all by name and they will all know his name as well. No harm no foul, right :)

Jess said...

Oh, and tell him I LOVE the illustration. He is one heck of an artist! I think he should publish his work!

Anonymous said...

Why does this sounds so familiar...Nic home alone..not knowing where his parents are.. Hmmm?