Friday, March 16, 2012

My Dad, My Hero

". . . My Dad has many talents.  He likes to cook, play guitar, run, golf and he's very, very, very, very good, maybe even an expert, at making people laugh.  My dad's secret to a happy life is to is to always laugh.  It makes the fun times more fun and it makes the bad times better.  He is my hero because he will cheer me up just by making me laugh."

"What is your favorite thing to do with your dad?"

"Cuddle with him."

"Color with him?"

"No.  Cuddle with him."

just saying it like it is.


joy said...

so sweet Jodi, so sweet

Jess said...

A cuddler to last a lifetime. We r lucky to have people in our lives who give love freely and teach us its okay to show emotion... Thx for the visit yesterday. It did my body, my mind, and my spirit good. Xoxo

Next friday lunch? You, me and my mom? She is totally in. Let me know.

Nikki said...

That is so sweet. Thanks for sharing.

mousemom said...

Great explanation of 'important' dad things, Nick. That was my favorite thing to do with my dad, too.